Gracelyn Scott

Major: Fashion Design & Product Development
Hometown: Belle, MO
Number of Garments in Collection: Five looks
Collection Name: Conviction

When I’m not pulling a straight week of all nighters in the lab, I like to get outside and hang out with my friends. We love to play sand volleyball and go on hikes when Missouri weather lets us. Being outside and enjoying nature with the people I love really helps inspire me for future collections and helps me think of new ways in which I can create more sustainable efforts to share with others.

What inspired your collection?
My collection, Conviction, is inspired by sustainability and using materials around us that come from the earth, not a factory. This collection is made to point out that we are all guilty of feeding into fast fashion and that we need to stop and think about the world around us.

How has your collection helped you to reflect on your time in college?
My collection has helped me to reflect on my time here in college by showing me how I have grown while still remaining connected to my roots. Through my collection, I was able to express who I am as a person and reflect the ways in which we live off the land back at home. I can also see how my ideas and skills have progressed through my college by comparing it to the ones before and seeing how each one has improved.