Toryona Harvey

Major: Fashion Design & Product Development
Hometown: St. Louis, Mo
Number of Garments in Collection: Four garments
Collection Name: Three Birds and a Stone

Given the recent events of COVID-19, home has become the most invested vacation spot from the world and its chaos. For me, like many, I had to reconstruct and explore new boundaries to permit a balance in work and daily life. In this collection, the home wardrobe is a highlight of a new boundary for enjoying and experiencing activities at home. The evolution of a home wardrobe is meant to define self identity in a place where many cannot see you at your most restfulness that creates a test of self expression. Fortunately, the mystery of the home wardrobe is an encouragement for the separation of various daily scenes.

How has your collection helped you to reflect on your time in college?
When I design, I choose to surpass the traditional boundaries in order to create a new and inclusive vibe that produces substantial identity to oneself. I value the organization and creativity that flows through my work as a designer. With this being said, I am in the pursuit of accomplishing my goals of wholesomeness, making the most of opportunities, and accepting challenges for growth.