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Stephens College Announces 81st Annual Fashion Show
The Stephens College Fashion Program announces its annual Student Designer Fashion Show. Know as The Collections, this annual runway show is a chance to see the Fashion Design students’ best work, including siz senior collections. The show will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025, with showings at 2pm, 4:30pm and 7pm in Windsor Auditorium on the Stephens campus.
The Collections is a culmination of the students’ hard work over the course of the academic year. These younf designers spend countless hours researching, planning, sewing, and tailoring to bring their concepts to life. The Jury of Selection, a panel of indeustry professionals, examines each garment to select only the best for the fashion show.
Year after year, Stephens College fashion students set their sights on what they believe to be fashion’s new vision. By combining the old with the new and creating something out-of-the-blue, we are led to this year’s theme – Curated Absurdity. In the world of fashion, there are no limits to what you can create. With this year’s fashion show we are celebrating the inevitable connection between curated art and absurd designs. The fashion students have poured their sweat and tears into their whimiscal designs that will leave viewers joyful with a new perspective of fashion.
Join The Collectionss on Saturday, April 26, for a day of celebrating runway fashion emphasizing self-expression and the desire to inspire. Upon watching the show, we hope that you have a deeper understanding of fashion, expand your knowledge of the process behind each garment, and consider what makes your style your own.